About us

Why Education:  Today's students are paving the way for the future and it is the responsibility of educators to build the path for them to follow. Guidance, encouragement, and facilitation of learning provides the learner with the opportunity to build characteristics of leaders. 

Value Add: BlendED Learning Consultants develop strategies that will build on the motivational factors of the student. Focusing on current skills or developing new ones based on motivation moves the learner from one of dependency to independency as they pull from a breadth of life experiences to become more engaged and vested in their education. 

Uniqueness: Personalized programs, unique learning environment, and competency-based modules are developed based on current needs and market-driven analysis of tools available to facilitate learning.

Educational Philosophy: To develop life-long learners and philanthropists that give back to their communities, education should excite students in learning and to challenge themselves and each other through shared experience and cognition; to then apply this model to other areas of life and in the community.

Your Education Specialist

Denise Pufall

Educational Consultant - Higher Education

Angelica Moore

Sr. Vice President Operations

Angie Serino

Director - Account Management